The lack of adequate integration between the various modes of transport/logistics is a bottleneck that has long been recognized in our country and contributes to a number of other inefficiencies, negatively affecting the production chain, long-distance transport and foreign trade. Successive governments have made efforts in this area, with the creation of their own action plans, which were unable to address the structural issues of the sector: lack of governance, high risk of completion and difficulties with environmental licensing. The issues in question hinder the adequate and necessary integration between highways, railroads, waterways, airports and ports, with serious damages to the national economy. Thus, FGV CERI, from a transversal approach, has sought to contribute to the theme from investigations about which would be the best governance structures among the various regulators and autarchies involved and how to introduce best practices in relation to risk assessment and allocation in an integrated view, considering that modals can be seen as a set of assets in portfolio by potential investors.
Transport and logistics
FGV CERI seeks to analyze the various modes of transport and the issue of logistics integration, addressing economic, regulatory and legal aspects.
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